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About Us


Hello, we are Christopher and Rachel Knobil of Grace & Peace Publications. Thank you for taking time to visit our webpage.


Grace & Peace Publications has grown from a desire to, by the enabling of the Holy Spirit, minister grace and peace in the lives of other believers through music and literature. Many Christians have a distorted view of God, either from wrong teaching or a traumatic religious background, and never truly grasp the fullness of their relationship with Him through Christ. It is our earnest hope that God would use our music and writing to open hearts to these glorious truths.


We have both been trained in classical and sacred music from a young age, and hold bachelor's degrees in Bible and music. Christopher also holds a master's degree in Bible. While in college he had the privilege of studying voice under Michelle Hynson and participating in numerous choral performances.


Because Rachel grew up in a small church and we are currently part of a smaller church family, it is our goal to provide music that will be useful to smaller churches, such as versatile vocal arrangements and modified accompaniments. Writing (words, not just music) is also a passion of ours, and we hope to eventually offer original fiction and nonfiction works in our store. 


We currently reside near the breathtaking Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina with our three children. Christopher works from home as a full-time software engineer while Rachel homeschools the littles.


Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have a question or feedback; just go to the contact section of our website.

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